WOVEN envisions a hub of community support where individuals experience belonging and wholeness, where curiosity is activated through multisensory and elemental creative exploration, where social service organizations work together to facilitate individual and societal transformation.
WOVEN fosters wholeness and interconnectedness through multi-sensory creative exploration, human connection, and community support.
Our future
In the long term, Woven's H.O.M.E. (Hub Of Multi-sensory Experience) will be a physical center located in Eugene, OR, where we partake in the paradigm shift toward personal and community wholeness.

Core Values
This is an evolving list of the values that guide our individual behaviors and our organizational decision-making. Core values are revisited, discussed, and amended so they remain a faithful reflection of what people in our organization live and believe in.
Authenticity is the quality of being true or real. Honoring the whole self, we acknowledge that each of us is many and that many truths exist within a community.
Curiosity is a means for opening to new ways of being. We welcome the spaciousness of not-knowing.
Transformative Justice
Recognizing our interdependence, we cultivate awareness of our relationships to power, privilege and oppression and take action to restore life-affirming relationships.
Orienting toward process provides opportunities for creative exploration, learning, and transformation. Whether shaping the organization or planning programming, our work-in-process requires sensing and responding so outcomes are emergent and authentic.
Compassion is the recognition of our shared humanity. When we practice compassion toward ourselves and others, we act from an understanding that all humans experience struggles and have strengths.
As a collective, we orient to and unify around the purpose and vision of Woven while also fostering wholeness in ourselves.
Multi-sensory Engagement
Through present participation in multi-sensory experiences we enliven our relationships with all of life. By expanding our perception beyond the senses we most often engage with, we invite aliveness.
Woven is a dynamic system of multi-directional exchange that depends entirely on relationships. Wisdom, connection, expression, life lessons, and moments of wholeness are possible for and available to all who interact within this dynamic system of mutual exchange.
Diverse Unity
We acknowledge, honor, and value diversity in every aspect of life. Each perspective, path, and experience is an integral part of the whole.
Equity, Inclusivity
& Anti-Opression
Because oppression exists and is a barrier to wholeness and wellbeing, WOVEN is dedicated to working with anti-oppression practices across the organization. WOVEN is led by staff and volunteers who intentionally and continuously strive to promote an inclusive organizational culture that values all dimensions of diversity.
We aim to transform oppressive behaviors in ourselves so we can engage in healthy relationships and create inclusive systems. We aim to uplift and center people who are historically oppressed, including people of color, women, trans and queer folks, immigrants, and other marginalized groups. We aim to support all WOVEN participants in committing to a life-long journey of personal and social transformative justice.
We are on a journey to become an anti-racist, multicultural organization that actively opposes racism. We do this by exploring inherited belief systems and the ways in which those beliefs impact our relationships and manifest in social systems and structures.
WOVEN does not tolerate oppressive behavior. In situations where harmful behavior occurs, WOVEN staff and volunteers will support an inclusive approach to restoration of relationships, engaging with restorative practices whenever possible. WOVEN acknowledges that each situation is unique and, when harm has been caused, restoration of relationships is sometimes not possible or appropriate.
Wings of Wisdom
Our ancestors. Those who have acquired the wisdom of a particular lesson through lived experience. External wisdom keepers.
Our multi-dimensional organisms intelligence
and knowing. The most authentic truth in the present moment.
Elemental Alchemy
Convening with the Earth’s matter to create a change in form or cause a transmutation in one's being. Fire, plant medicine, water…
The act of bringing the essence of life ~Spirit ~ into form. Music, art….
An aspect and important tool for understanding, often is of the mind.
Sustenance that we take in that replenishes and sustains us. Our beings response or feeling after fulfilling a longing or emptiness.